We invite you to share and experience the writing styles of Northern Kentucky University…

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Writer's Week of Workshops!

It’s that time of year again – the cold has set, the lattes have been poured, and the writing workshops have returned to Northern Kentucky University!

Loch Norse Magazine has decided to kick-off this literary season with a Week of Workshops. The first week of November is being devoted to the way you put your feelings and expressions into words!

We will start the first workshop on Wednesday, November 2nd from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. in the basement of the UC center. This time will be limited to poetry only, so dust off your copy of The Poet’s Companion and bring your free verse, sonnets, and haikus.

On Thursday, November 3rd, the fiction writers will get their time to shine and critique their peers from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., again, in the basement of the UC center.

Finally, we will end the week on Friday, November 4th, at 12:30 p.m. for an additional poetry workshop … because we have a lot of poets itching to receive feedback before our submission campaign begins!

For each workshop, please email us the piece you wish to work on. We will forward your pieces on to the other members of the workshop so that they can read and critique before the day comes.  Email the pieces to lochnorse@gmail.com and let us know which workshop you would like to attend!

So, don your thinking caps and join Loch Norse Magazine for a wonderful week of workshops here at NKU’s campus!

Bring your latest and greatest work along with your favorite lattes.

Also, be sure to save the date on November 11th for our next open mic-night!
We are going to be hosting your fellow student writers, a guest reader, and the hard work you produce from the workshops!

Check in with our Facebook page for additional details on our newest open mic-night!

Happy writing,

The Loch Norse Magazine

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Check out the Boston Literary Magazine

The Boston Literary Magazine accepts quick fiction of 250 words, 100 words, or 50 words.  They also accept poetry and haiku!  Check it out--some of the quick fiction they have up right now is pretty cool.

Boston Literary Magazine

Thursday, October 13, 2011

To Begin...

Hello!  Welcome to the blog of Loch Norse Magazine, the student-published literary magazine of Northern Kentucky University.  We hope you’re here because you’re interested in contributing to or becoming familiar with the creative atmosphere in the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area.  If you’ve stumbled across our page in search of another, we hope you will stay awhile—grab a chair, get a cup of tea, reach for a book.  Here at the magazine, we wish to nourish a community of people with similar aspirations and foster a creative community of writers and thinkers. 

Hopefully this blog will help you in your own endeavors as a creative writer or reader of creative writing.  We will post opportunities for publication, recommendations of recently published poems or stories for your perusal, and just our general thoughts about writing and the written word.  We hope you will find what you are searching for.

Recently, Loch Norse Magazine hosted an open mic night at NKU.  The students who attended had a great time listening to their peers’ poetry and short fiction, and we were excited about the turnout.  We had everyone from freshmen to graduate students—from veterans of open mic nights to first-timers.  It was the first gathering of the semester of like-minded individuals that came to support one another—we all had fun learning about each other and about the creative community as a whole.  We hope to host more of these events as the semester and academic year progresses.

Check back in with us to find out the dates of future open mic nights and other events, as well as updates on the journal itself.

If anyone has suggestions about open mic nights, this blog, or anything else, please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.  We are always looking to improve.  Our email is lochnorse@gmail.com.

Also, follow us on Twitter at @lochnorse, and on Facebook, search “Loch Norse Magazine.”